
Chester Beattie Institute 1960    

New Vision Centre gallery-mixed exhibition 1962

AIA Gallery 1962-first solo exhibition and others to the present

Drian Gallery-mixed exhibitions 1959-1991

Drian Gallery-first solo exhibition 1967

Nelson Gallery, Greenwich 1966

Cassel Gallery, London 1967

Whitelands College 1967

Circle Gallery Fulham 1968

Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh USA 1968 and 1969

Circle Gallery, Fulham 1968

Greenwich Theatre Gallery 1969

Arts Council 1969

MOMA Warsaw, Poland 1980

Gdansk National ,Museum, Poland 1984

Beaux Arts, Bath 1985

FPS Loggia Gallery 1986 to 2001

Chapman Gallery, Covent Garden London 1990

Piano Noble, Richmond 1991

Aziz Gallery, Crete 1992

New Contemporary Gallery, Crete 1992-93

Harlequin Gallery-solo exhibitions in 1999,2003,and 2005 and

included in mixed exhibitions 2005 and 2007

Katherine House Gallery,

British Abstract Art 1950s-1980s 2009

Affordable Modern British Art 2010

Modern British Art-Mostly 50s and 60s 2010

Modern British Art 2011

Winter Exhibition 2012 ( online only exhibition)

Affordable Modern British Art 2013

Modern British Art 2016

Putney Arts Theatre, Winter Exhibition Mixed 2018


Work in public and private collections in  France,Germany,Switzerland,USA,Poland,England and Australia.